Welcome To Wordscript

Wordscript™️ is your source-of-truth
for creating dialogue-first interactive media

Start with dialogue, add markup, generate media, and deploy.

Wordscript creates media based on dialogue. This is in sharp contrast to opinionated media applications that require you to work around a timeline, sequence, or website. Gone are the days of wrangling your dialogue to conform to other assets.

Whether your project is an explainer video, email campaign, or product website, Wordscript provides you with a concise and unified language. Try it yourself at https://wordscript.app.

Check It Out 👇

Start with some dialogue you want conveyed. By conveyed, we mean spoken, displayed, or printed.

Hello, World!

Wordscript is out of this world.

Express yourself with elements.

Hello, World! [[pause 1s]]

Wordscript is [[i out of this world]].
[[pause 1s]]

Let Wordscript [[b brighten your next media campaign]].

[[prompt close,restart,more]]

[[h 1 Stay tuned for more ]]

Organize and style using Sections and Locations

[[! scene 1 @
  color: green;
  background-image: earth;

Hello, World! [[pause 1s]]

[[! scene 2 @
  color: silver;
  background-color: black;
  background-image: moon;

Wordscript is [[i out of this world]].
[[pause 1s]]

[[! scene 3 @
background-image: sun;

Let Wordscript [[b brighten your next media campaign]].

[[prompt close,restart,more]]

[[@ opacity:.5;]]
Visit [[a Wordscript.org]] for details.

Generate media in multiple types, formats, and languages


generate('website', {language: ['en', 'es', 'it', 'fr']})

generate(['webpage', 'email', 'message', 'podcast', 'robot-script'])

generate({type:'transcript', format: 'html'} )

Deploy to a wide variety of destinations

deploy({service:'wordpress', url:'https://code-evolve.com'})

deploy({service:'dropbox', account:'code-evolve'})

deploy({service:'youtube', account:'code-evolve'})

Extend your application with plugins and AI

  plugins: [